Have there been other LAUSD school bonds?

The children of LA are fortunate to live in a community where there is consistent, longstanding support for local public schools. In fact, local voters have passed several bonds over two decades to address needed school upgrades. BUT, the last bond LA voters approved for our schools was Measure Q, 12 years ago. Even with Q and previous voter-approved bond funds, our local public schools continue to age and most do not meet today’s standards for teaching and safety. Currently, $50 Billion of unfunded school facility needs have been identified, with the list of needs growing every year. Measure RR is on the ballot to secure funding to continue upgrading our schools and addressing facilities inequities. Passing a local school bond is the most common way California communities fund school improvements. Passing RR will qualify LA schools for state matching funds when they become available, leveraging local taxpayer dollars even further. Without RR, state matching funds that become available will go to other school districts that have passed local school bonds.

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